Transitions - do they matter?

“Transition” – the bit in a triathlon (or duathlon, aquabike, etc) where you change from one discipline to the next. T1 is the transition from swim to bike, and T2 is when you move from bike to run. The time is included in the overall race time. Transitions are often called the 4th discipline of triathlon; they can be the most mystifying for newcomers, and also the most overlooked. So, do you need to “train” for them? I think YES! Read on to find out more …

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Georgia Jackson
Open water - making the most of it!

It’s that time of year! I’ve shared with you some ideas about how to make the most of your open water swims; mental health focus points, skills development and how to add structure to your open water swims to use them for training benefit, above and beyond the “long endurance swim” which so many of us fall back on.

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Merlin Jackson
Too much too soon?

It’s so tempting to get back in the pool and try and pick up where you left off. Give yourself a chance to build back carefully, enjoy just being back in the water, and your shoulders will thank you for it further down the line.

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Merlin Jackson
The mystery of the missing mojo

The mysterious “mojo” - the motivation that keeps us going through adversity, continuing to strive to meet our goals and train consistently, is a constant source of discussion when times get tough. It’s a very personal thing though, and finding out what truly floats your boat is the key to remaining motivated.

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Georgia Jackson